There seems to be a theme this year of seniors I’ve known for awhile and these sessions making me feel old… and Abby is no exception! I’ve known Abby since before she was born!! Her parents are some of our closest family friends!! Abby is drop dead gorgeous on the outside and even more so on the inside, so I was thrilled to get to shoot her senior pictures. She is always full of smiles, so I was shocked at how well she pulled off the serious face during our time together! Either way, she’s beautiful, right?!
Abby and her mom picked lots of fun spots to shoot, We even ventured into a locally flooded area to get the volleyball pictures... what we won’t do for a great shot! Some of my favorites were actually taken in Oxford, her dad’s hometown. She currently attends Solon High School and is an incredible athlete playing volleyball, basketball and running track. Although she’s undecided currently on where she will be going to school next year, I know she’s going to do incredible things whatever she decides!
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