This sweet little Newborn Girl, Sophia, was so precious! I don’t think she was as excited about her Newborn and Family Session as I was though! She was a little fussy, which is completely normal and expected. Whenever this happens, I roll with it and always follow the baby's lead! I know many parents worry about their children not cooperating going into newborn or family sessions, but I encourage you, please DON’T! It is more than okay! I will always do everything to make sure your session is comfortable for everyone, and I promise, you will still walk away with amazing portraits!
Sophia was calm and content in the arms of her amazing parents! This gave us the perfect opportunity to get a bunch of photos of her snuggled up with mom and dad! You would never know by looking at this gorgeous couple that they had just had a baby and were sleep deprived! They look amazing!!
Miss Sophia looked like a sweet baby doll, with her dark hair and petite features. I am in love with the picture of her sleeping, swaddled snuggly
with a dreamy smile on her face! It was such an honor to photograph this sweet newborn girl! Enjoy my favorite moments from our Iowa Newborn and Family Session!
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392
IA Newborn Photographer _ KS Photography_1392