5 Tips for Senior Portraits | Iowa Senior Portrait Photographer

June 06, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Senior portrait sessions are supposed to be fun, exciting and all about YOU! Despite that, sometimes my clients can get a little anxious or feel under prepared for their sessions. But they shouldn't! There's a few simple steps you can take to prepare for your session - because let's be honest, preparation makes everyone feel more ready - and if we prep, then we can just enjoy the session together. Today's blog is all about these easy steps you can take to make your session everything you (and your parents!) hoped!  

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Tip #1: Bring as many outfits as you want! I am all about unlimited clothing changes so that we can truly capture your personality and interests. Make sure the outfits you bring are nice looking and comfortable. This is a great place for parents to help you prepare!

Tip #2: Group your outfits together on the hangers you bring them on. It makes it easier for us to look through the outfits and pull out the ones you want to use. If you're bringing any accessories (i.e. belts, jewelry, etc.) put them with the outfit you plan to use them for! Make sure your clothes are wrinkle-free and free of pet hair.

Tip #3: If you wear glasses, the best thing to do is see if your optometrist can supply a pair of frames without the lens so that we don't get any glare. This is definitely an extra step to prepare but SO worth it in the end!

Tip #4: Don't get a haircut the day before. If you need to get a haircut, do so a week prior so everything has time to get settled. Make an effort to not make any major changes (like hair color or dyes) right before your session. Guys - come clean shaven! I promise, your mom will appreciate it!

Tip #5: Get rest the day before our session and drink water. You want to look hydrated and well-rested. Try not to stress. This is meant to be fun! 

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So... that's it! Nothing too crazy, but a few easy steps to make our session together go a little more smoothly. Don't be afraid to email or text me with any questions you have about your session and outfit prep! I am SO happy to help you and be involved in your planning! I still have room for a few summer session and fall sessions so make sure you contact me here to get your session set up! 


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