Happy birthday, Piper!! I’ve been shooting Piper since she was a newborn. I remember... she was the most perfect little newborn, she slept her entire session! Needless to say, Piper has changed and is a spunky 3 year old now! Unlike her newborn session, she was on the move the entire time we were shooting. She was too cute though!! It was so much fun capturing her third birthday - and her family's big news!! Piper's going to be a big sister!! How exciting! I love being with my clients through all of these changes and moments of growth. It's the best part of my job!
I also wanted to let you know that I'm booking family sessions for the fall already (Crazy, I know!). I only have a few sessions at sundown left and you guys know those are my absolutely favorites so be sure you contact me here if you need to schedule your session! And don't forget, my annual mini sessions will be held October 6th and 7th!
Anyway, back to Piper... isn't she the cutest?!
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