Megan is such a gorgeous young lady, both inside and out! She's currently a senior at Liberty High and absolutely rocked her senior portrait session at Colony Pumpkin Patch. Have you ever worked with someone that you love talking with so much you almost forget to work? That's what happened in Megan's session! She was so easy to chat with and I almost forgot why we were together. It was awesome to hear about all of the great things she's going to be doing, though!!!
I loved getting to work at Colony Pumpkin Patch again!!! I love it here, officially!! We lucked out with a truly beautiful night, too. We had a great sunset and Megan's outfits looked awesome against the sunflowers at the patch. It was seriously such an amazing and perfect evening for senior portraits!!
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KS Photography_Iowa Senior Portrait Photographer__0072
KS Photography_Iowa Senior Portrait Photographer__0072
KS Photography_Iowa Senior Portrait Photographer__0072
KS Photography_Iowa Senior Portrait Photographer__0072
KS Photography_Iowa Senior Portrait Photographer__0072
KS Photography_Iowa Senior Portrait Photographer__0072
KS Photography_Iowa Senior Portrait Photographer__0072