I love the Ruckabeils family! Jessica and Paul became my clients years ago when Jess was pregnant with Paul Jr. Back then, I was new to the world of photography and was still figuring out what to do, how to pose people, and how to take pictures in a certain style. While I may not have had everything figured out, this amazing couple still looked gorgeous! They stuck with me and I am so grateful for that! It feels like so much time has passed since that first photo session! Now the Ruckabelis are celebrating baby number three on the way! We captured their Iowa Fall Family Mini Session to celebrate this soon to be family of five!
While it was a quick session, we were able to document this growing family and photograph the cuteness of Jr. and Miss P in the beautiful fall setting. I can’t get over this little girl's outfit! I love the matching pants and scarf, which was accented with the perfect yellow shirt. Then of course, her smile, which can light up a room! Her and her big brother were so adorable and always delivered perfect smiles right on cue!
I can hardly wait until our next session together! By then there will be another little one in the picture! It is such an honor to continue to capture memories of families over the years as well as watch them grow and see them through all seasons of life. I am so excited for you guys! Enjoy a couple of my favorite moments of this stunning family from our Iowa Fall Family Mini Session.
IA Family Photographer _KS Photography_0603
IA Family Photographer _KS Photography_0603
IA Family Photographer _KS Photography_0603
IA Family Photographer _KS Photography_0603
IA Family Photographer _KS Photography_0603
IA Family Photographer _KS Photography_0603
IA Family Photographer _KS Photography_0603
IA Family Photographer _KS Photography_0603