Iowa Falls Senior Portrait Session | Liberty Senior Alex

June 02, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

I recently met this wonderful Liberty High School senior, Alex, for his Iowa Falls Senior Portrait Session! Alex is an amazing guy! He is super sweet and I had a wonderful time getting to know him and his mom! Lucky for me, I had the opportunity to see them twice thanks to the weather pouring down on us during his original session date! 

Iowa Falls Senior Portrait Session

His first session started at Iowa Falls, which aren't always super beautiful. We were only 30 minutes into his session when mother nature decided to unleash on us! I wasn’t complaining though since that meant I was able to see the Moon family two weekends in a row!!  The second time around we met in Iowa City, which provided the perfect setting and some cool backdrops!!  

While I was chatting with the family, Alex's mom informed me that she had a senior session all booked and once she messaged to set up locations, she realized she booked the wrong KS Photography! Apparently there is another in a different state! We shared a good laugh over that, but I am so glad they were able to resolve that situation! Too funny! 

Alex is finishing his senior year at Liberty High, where he is active in Fine Arts! He actually had a play the night of his senior pictures!! How cool!! Congratulations, Alex, on all of your accomplishments! I am so excited for your future! I know you will go on to do amazing things!

Iowa Falls Senior portrait session photographed by IA Senior Photographer KS PhotographyIA Senior Photographer_ Alex _ KS Photography_1244 Iowa Falls Senior portrait session photographed by IA Senior Photographer KS PhotographyIA Senior Photographer_ Alex _ KS Photography_1244 Iowa Falls Senior portrait session photographed by IA Senior Photographer KS PhotographyIA Senior Photographer_ Alex _ KS Photography_1244 Iowa Falls Senior portrait session photographed by IA Senior Photographer KS PhotographyIA Senior Photographer_ Alex _ KS Photography_1244
Iowa Falls Senior portrait session photographed by IA Senior Photographer KS PhotographyIA Senior Photographer_ Alex _ KS Photography_1244 Iowa Falls Senior portrait session photographed by IA Senior Photographer KS PhotographyIA Senior Photographer_ Alex _ KS Photography_1244 Iowa Falls Senior portrait session photographed by IA Senior Photographer KS PhotographyIA Senior Photographer_ Alex _ KS Photography_1244


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