When my clients ask if they can shoot their session at a location that is special to them, my answer is and always will be YES! When I scheduled Caden’s Iowa senior portraits, he knew he wanted them to be at his family farm! It is easy to see why! It was beautiful! Caden attends Regina High and stays busy playing football and wrestling!
We had a lovely, sunny day that ended with a gorgeous sunset! Caden’s adorable new puppy joined us as well! Between the perfect weather, beautiful location, a cool senior, and a sweet pup … it doesn’t get much better than that!
I love when I get to visit new places, and this family farm was ideal! It was a little bit of a drive, but absolutely worth it! Every time I turned around, they had some cool, old rusty car, an old elevator, cool antique tractors, and lots of fun memories shared along the way! It was so neat to hear the history behind the items, the farm, and their family! It was truly an honor to have been a part of it!
Enjoy a few of my favorites from Caden’s family farm Iowa Senior portraits!
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229
IA Senior Photographer_ Caden _ KS Photography_1229